church membership programme

We want to help your church talk about and tackle pornography

Many leaders feel overwhelmed by the size of the problem, and under resourced to help those impacted by porn use. Our free membership programme aims to equip all types of leaders to walk alongside users, partners and others impacted by pornography.

Free access for all your teams
Library of online and on demand training
Streamed workshops & training
Materials to use in your context
Consultancy and Support

93% of church leaders say pornography is bigger issue than ever before in their congregations, yet only 7% have programmes to address it 1Barna Group 2016

Of 2000 adults surveyed in 2022 2Naked Truth/Savanta ComRes 2022 , 34% thought Porn was an acceptable part of modern society  38% watch at least once a week 13% said they were addicted  49% said it had a negative impact on their mental health.

24% of delegates at a Church Leader Conference had viewed porn in the past month. 3Naked Truth, 2022

Find out more about the people in your church impacted by porn →


Training for Youth Leaders & Team

Church Memberships gives access to a prerecorded and on demand course for youth leaders and teams. This audio course can be accessed via an app or browser and includes content on ‘how to prepare a youth session’ about porn with a downloadable PDF with a session plan, teaching, games and ideas for a session.

Sessions topics include:  Understanding the digital landscape, tips for age appropriate content, how to communicate with parents. What language is helpful/ unhelpful? Should you separate the genders? Are you ready for any disclosures?  Scripture & Science: how to talk about both. Dealing with Shame. Guidance on how to mentor and support YP longer term in a one to one setting.

Access to on demand webinars

Free access to over 20 hours of curated P Word Conference material – includes content from experts across the world with streams on Church, Youth & Family, Recovery and Justice. Speakers include: Dr Paula Hall, Dan Drake, Andrew Bauman, Barb Steffans, Donna Dixon, Dr Jake Porter, Aaron White, LIsa Taylor, Rachel Gardner, Chris McKenna, Helen Taylor, Justin Humphreys and NT team. 

Support Group Facilitator Pack

Ctrl-Alt-Del is an online NT recovery course that individuals can access for free. The benefit of an individual accessing an online course of this kind is that it provides anonymity and accessibility. However we recognise there can be huge benefits for individuals to journey through recovery in an accountable and safe support group.  As a member church you will exclusive access to “facilitator guidelines” that will enable you to run in-person small groups using the materials and content from the Ctrl-Alt-Del course as a catalyst for your discussion and prayer.

These facilitator guidelines will give you: A small group framework, discussion questions, prayers & scripture you can use to journey through the course together. 

The notes assume that individuals will complete each online module at home the week before meeting, you can then use the small group to process, reflect and pray together.  The notes are for 5 meetings. 

Exclusive access to PG parental workshop

Our PG Parental Workshops are aimed at parents, carers and guardians navigating the digital landscape with their children and young people. Once a term we stream this workshop as a live webinar exclusive to member churches.  We will give you a link and voucher to offer to your congregation and community so they can have 100% discount on tickets.

Training Course for Home group & Small Group leaders.

This on demand video training can be accessed via our app and via a browser. Small group leaders are often some of the first in church to be told about an individual’s porn use and so can be first to give wisdom and support to the users, spouses and parents impacted by pornography. This training course helps give a deeper understanding of that impact, practical steps, and some key do and don’ts when offering pastoral support. 

Q&A sessions with our professional team.

Direct access to expert support and consultation from the NT team. We offer termly live webinar that cover FAQs and live questions on supporting users, partners, addiction etc. Members churches can also book a zoom or call and get the advice you need.


Your church has unlimited sign ups. Each team member or congregant who signs up has their own individual content library. Using the mobile app or a browser they can access all the courses in their own time, and pick up where they left off.

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Join now and get the resources and training that will help you help others. Everything can be accessed in our free app.

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If you are involved in the church leadership you can also register your church and we will keep you updated with media, information and discounts you can share with your congregation and community.

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