Start Small, Start Now

Are you looking for recovery resources for pornography addiction but unsure how to start?

Maybe you have been scrolling around and reading about different porn recovery programmes, online therapy or support groups, and if you were honest it all sounds pretty full on. You know you want to see change, that’s why you started searching for “how to stop porn addiction” and “signs of porn addiction” in Google. You want to get rid of the power porn has in your life, but looking for answers and help was more than you expected… more complicated, more commitment, and more money. Now you are left thinking, what is the right programme for me, what is the right time to get help, what is the next step, and even, is this a good idea?

We get it, it is overwhelming.

Start Small, but Start Now

Watch this short video (2mins) from our CEO, Ian Henderson. He explains the importance of starting small, with one step towards the change you want to see and suggests one step that could change everything.

Want to know the best time to kick a habit in your life or even start a healthy one?

I’ve got some friends who are perfectionists and the stuff that they do is often amazing. But they have found that their perfectionism can quickly turn into procrastination. And the reason is that they wait. They wait for the perfect condition, the ideal moment to bring their art or their idea into the world. The same can be said of people who want to bring a life change into their world, that want to quit something like pornography. It can sometimes seem easier, and more tempting to wait. To wait until you feel a little bit stronger or wait until you’ve got through this really stressful season. 

But the best time is now. Start now. 

And that might feel overwhelming and so it might just be a small thing that you do. 

It could be that you decide tonight to leave your phone downstairs instead of taking it to your room. 

Or it might simply mean that you today decide to ask for help. 

That’s why Naked Truth has set up Click to Kick. These are free, online groups have been created to help you. 

Maybe today you just look into it. Start finding out about Click to Kick. 

Don’t do this journey alone. Start small, start now and join a Click to Kick group. 

Click to Kick is designed to help you discover freedom online.

A free online porn addiction support group that helps you understand what is porn addiction, what causes porn addiction, and what steps you can take to start living a porn-free life.

“In C2K, I found an inclusive, friendly community and a relaxed environment where I could express myself and not feel ashamed. They saw me for who I am, not as someone defined by addiction, and I can wholeheartedly recommend that you join the programme.”

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