Applying the Handbreak
by Ben Dyer
“It’s ok to look at porn, right? I mean, isn’t that what everyone else is doing? And even if I wanted to stop, I’m not going to be able to. But I have this niggling feeling that it might be wrong, but how can I talk to anyone about if? I would talk about it with God, but he probably doesn’t like me anymore, so he won’t listen anyway…”
This is how Ben Dyer felt. Confused, ashamed, unlovable, trapped and lost. And this is his story, It doesn’t have all the answers, but it is honest and asks the questions we don’t think we should. This book is about an average teenage boy and some of the things he learnt along the way to do with sex, relationships, masturbation, and the God who didn’t abandon him.
“Very honest and helps equip you against future struggles.”
17 year old lad
“The book is the perfect mix of honest and relatable experiences, real truth about God’s views, and amazing advice on how to live as a Christian in the modern world.”
15 year old lad
“Applying the Handbrake is one of the best books I have read on this incredibly relevant topic. It’s packed full of descriptive personal experience, fabulous metaphors, practical application and profound Biblical truth. I laughed, empathised and was inspired. If you struggle in this area this book will give you a reassurance of God’s heart for you, a companion on the journey and strategies to break free. I wholeheartedly recommend it.”
Phil Knox, Head of Mission to Young Adults, EvangelicalAlliance
“If I’d read this book when I was a teenager I would’ve found it so encouraging and genuinely helpful as I fought similar battles over the years.”
Tim Funnell, Project Manager of LiNX Christian Youth Trust
“This is a really life giving little book. So short but helpful. It is powerful in its honesty and allows a window for being honest with yourself”
Amazon Review
“I found this book to be refreshing, honest, and most importantly, real.
The topic of porn is often a buried one in church, but it’s a problem that affects so many people, who feel they have to suffer in silence. But this book tears down that veil of secrecy, and tells its readers that this isn’t something we need to suffer alone with.
Ben’s honesty is very liberating, and it helps to know we aren’t ‘weird’ or ‘a bad Christian’. After reading this, I would not hesitate to recommend this book to anyone who is seeking to break the chains of porn and the struggles that come with it.”
Amazon Review