Confronting Porn by Dr Paula Hall


Confronting Porn

By Dr Paula Hall


Confronting Porn: A comprehensive guide for Christians struggling with porn and Churches wanting to help them.

This book offers a biblical, professional and practical approach to the issue of porn, offering hope and support for individuals struggling with porn and those who want to help them. In a new landscape where porn has never been more accessible, anonymous or potentially addictive, this book is a timely response for Christians seeking principles and proven steps towards freedom.

£14.99 (plus shipping)


About the Author:

Dr Paula Hall is a psychotherapist and author. She has been a therapist for over 30 years and has been specialising in sex and pornography addiction for nearly 25 years. Paula is widely recognised as the UK’s leading expert in the field of sex and porn addiction and frequently speaks in the media as well as training other professionals. She is founder of The Institute for Sex Addiction Training, is one of the founder trustees of ATSAC (Association for the Treatment of Sex Addiction & Compulsivity), is a current board member of SASH (Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health)

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