3 keys to quitting porn (that you can start today)

Throughout history, different cultures have told stories with warnings and wisdom for living life. One such story existed in ancient Greece of Sirens; mythical birdlike creatures with songs so captivating that passing ships would change course towards them, ending up shipwrecked or killed by the sirens, whose bite was worse than their bark!

Enter Ulysses, and the not so mystically named Jason, two characters who made successful attempts to avoid the siren’s snare, but with very different tactics…

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Ulysses’ plan was twofold: First, he made his crew block their ears with beeswax so they couldn’t hear the music. Then he ordered the crew to tie him to the mast so he physically couldn’t change course- no matter how much he begged to be released.

Jason, on the other hand, hired Orpheus, the greatest musician in Greece, to accompany him on his journey. The plan was simple: Orpheus played a much sweeter song, and it drowned out the Siren’s music.

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A few thousand years later and pornography is more accessible than ever, with the same deadly lure as a siren song. Here are three things we can learn from Ulysses and Jason about quitting porn and its temptation

Step 1: Avoid what you can. 

In avoiding pornography’s pull, it’s important to ask when and where you are most vulnerable so that you can plan ahead to help your future self stay true to your goals & commitments. For example, going to bed at the same time as your partner or leaving your phone downstairs at night might help you avoid the temptation of late night web surfing. Maybe you need to place a filter on your devices- they work better than beeswax! So that’s the first and very practical step- do what you can to block out the temptation. 

Step 2: Ask others to help. 

Who are your ‘shipmates’, the people in your life who know your struggles and your aspirations, and can stand alongside you to help you on your journey? Who will be trustworthy and keep you on course? We all need people in our lives to encourage us when we’re discouraged, remind us of our destination when we’re feeling lost, and hold us accountable when we’re making questionable decisions. Get them on board and practice being open and honest with them. Companions and accountability partners are a vital part of finding freedom from porn, so if you haven’t invited anyone to journey with you, do it today! 

Step 3: Pursue the better song

For Jason, he knew that beeswax wasn’t going to cut it for him. Filters and other practical barriers are really helpful but ultimately, they are just tools to help you achieve a goal that is part of a much bigger picture. What are the things that you love in life that have value and depth? They may even be things that your porn use is impacting. Maybe it’s your relationships, a dream you want to pursue, a healthier lifestyle.. Whatever those things are for you, make a list, surround yourself with pictures of them, carve out time, spend some money and make some choices. But most importantly, do all that you can to pursue a better song.

Often, people assume that focusing on quitting is the best way to success, but we have often found that replacing and pursuing something better is as, if not more, important. 

Please note: We are using the mythical creatures of sirens as a metaphor for the power and lure of compulsive porn use and the porn industry as profiteers, and not to represent women and/or those working within the industry.

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